Population of Canada Surpasses 41M

Statistics Canada recently updated their data on the Population of Canada estimates to include the first quarter of 2024. It reports the population reached 41,012,563 on April 1, 2024. This consists of a quarterly growth of 242,673 which is a rate of 0.6% which is the same growth rate as a year ago (Q1 2023).
As per the report, a large majority of the growth stems from international migration. Temporary and permanent immigration combined tallied up to 240 955 people, which is 99.3% of the total growth.
The province with the largest total increase in population was Ontario with 85,704 people, followed by Alberta with 49,138 and Quebec at 45, 766 newcomers. The lowest province was Newfoundland and Labrador with 839.0. All territories came lower than that with Nunavut with an increase in population of only 37.
However, by percentage growth in population, Alberta leads the pack with a growth rate of 1.02% (in only 3 months!). Many other provinces were near half that rate including Ontario at 0.54%, Quebec at 0.51%, New Brunswick at 0.56% and PEI at 0.52%.
Due to the time it takes for these estimates to be calculated, from various sources, this data is already a couple of months behind. Mathematical models are used to paint a picture of current numbers in real time with a tool called the Real Time Clock.
There, the current estimated population is already over 41,340,000 people.
This is my first post on GrizViz! We wanted to take a snapshot of the population as the launch of this project. Join us along as we attempt to help Canadians understand and visualize Canada! Have a look at our goals in the About Us page or reach out to us with any questions.